Monday, January 2, 2012

Ouray 2012 Mixed Rock and Ice Climbing Competition

For the past two years I ahve been on a World Cup rampage to try to hone my skills as best I can and submerge myself into the "big sea" of big competition climbing. I've taken 26th in difficulty and 19th in speed in 2009 and then lost momentum in 2010 with no placement. Albeit, I have been busy: completed my UIAGM/IFMGA Mountain Guide Certification, continued with my PhD, rebuilt the house, obtained a contract with UNM to teach Strike Rescue courses, and restarted work as a Physician Assistant. It's been a busy year. Needless to say, I don't ahve much expectation for sending hard lines or winning any competitions. However, the first time I really climbed this year I took 2nd at the City Rock climbing competition in Colorado Springs on the way back from a PA conference.

The Ouray Invitational Ice Competition is this coming weekend and so I've put in some time and will hope to do well. I go back for a day of work and then off to the first UIAA World Cup in South Korea. I am super excited to kick things off this year back in Ouray. It's been about 3 years since I've competed there and I'm hoping that the route will be much better than it was the list time. Hell, I'd rather fall off crappy ice than be called out of bounds like I was in Saas Fee, Switzerland when there's no boundary lines (not going back this year simply to make a statement). Ya, nothing but sour Suiss grapes there. That's o.k. Angelika Rainier (Italy) got totally screwed on the finals in Korea. There's always something in competitions. Even if you're on the podium, you feel that you could have done better. Somehow, its never enough.

Either way, it's all about the journey, and I've learned so much and come so far from where I was. I realize how much I stand on the shoulders of those before me, and the shoulders of my friends. I revel in the competitions not only to push myself but to reconnect with those I share a special bond with - of the element of hard mixed climbing - competition or not.

Angie knows how ADHD I can be so she's coming to NM to help us out with the Strike Rescue (SR) course at UNM this next semester. Justin Spain and Jason Williams are the other instructors that will be taking lead roles. She went with us to Mexico to explore the Crystal Caves with the National Geographic. We have a great team and I'm looking forward to this new year of 2012 and the challenges it will bring.

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